About Salguti Industries Limited
The Founder of Salguti Industries Group who has drawn its future of planned growth. The Salguti Industries Limited incorporated on 20th October 1984 as a Private Limited Company and converted in to Public Company on 17th August 1992. SIL (Salguti Industries Limited) has started the manufacturing unit in Plastic Division in small scale in the year 1986. Gradually the capacities have been increased and the company has graduated to medium scale by 1994. SIL is one of the leading manufacturers of HDPE/PP woven sacks in India. SIL has diversified in to Textiles manufacturing industry in the year of 2006. Today, Salguti is a multi-activity group with a Rs. 150 Crores turnover, comprising three divisions with doverse interests in Woven Sacs and Textiles.
Promoters and Directors
SIL is promoted by Mr. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy is Chairman and Managing Director of the company, is an MBA graduate having rich experience in the overall Management together with the deep insight to Plastic and Textiles Industry.
Mrs. Rajita Reddy is another Promoter Director of the Company is a Charted Accountant. She is actively Involved in day to day activities of the Company and is the Overall In-charge of Finance, Marketing and Administratio. Mrs. Rajita Reddy handling the finance for all expansion projects and has also been responsible for smooth operations of both the divisions of Plastic and Textiles.
Plastic Division
SIL is having two Plastic units at Hyderabad suburbans, manufacturing of High Density Polyethylene/ Polypropylene (HDPE/PP), Laminated and un-laminated woven sacks to serve the Fertilizers, Sugar, Cement and Food Grain Industries. The operations grew rapidly to lay solid foundations for giant surging ahead in diverse environments. In span of two decades, it became the leading Woven sacs manufacturing unit in India and largest supplier in Telengana/ Andhra Pradesh.
Textiles Division
As a part of diversification program, Salguti Industries Limited (SIL), has diversifiedinto Textiles Industry by stting up a weaving division in 2006 at near Hyderabad International Airport. Abundant availability of superior cotton in surrounding areas of the Company and upgraded technology are a winning combination. The Unit is equipped with modern imported machinery. Presently SIL is running with Sulzer and Air Jet Picanol Looms, Benninzer Warping and Sizing. Total plant planned for 80 Looms. In phased manner it is expanding the Loom Capacity.